DOUBLE Your Income in 6 Months with Sales Engineer Training

The average industrial sales manager makes around $62,872 a year, according to a 2024 report on On the other hand, there’s some conspicuous sales people out there pulling down $166,000 a year, according to a 2023 report on!
Do the math, that’s more than double what average industrial sales professionals bring home. With a solid sales engineer training program, you’ll learn the strategies and get the tools you need to accelerate and optimize every level of your sales pipeline process. This gives you the potential to literally double your income in a 6-month period.
Now that we’ve answered the question of this article, I think we’re done here. Closed for the day.
But wait…
- Don’t you at least want to know how these six-figure fat cats are doing it while most others haven’t got a clue?
- Seriously, like, what’s the secret behind the huge difference in compensation?
- Why is it that a few good men and women bring home the bacon while everyone else is left scraping the bottom of the barrel?
Mindset Shift
The first insider secret that most top industrial salespeople don’t want you to know about is that you must be different. You see, winners do practically everything differently than average salespeople do them. Maybe that’s why one of the things we say at MFG Tribe is “F*#^ Average, Be Legendary.”
I’m not referring to being different just for the sake of standing out. I’m not saying that you should spray paint your hair pink or anything like that. I’m suggesting that you start digging deeply into your target audience’s psyche so that you learn more about their:
- Secretly, most ardently held goals and desires
- Top 3 pains, problems, or predicaments that are holding them back from success
- Suffering they experience daily by failing to reach their goals
- Top products and services they have already tried in order to relieve their pain
- Industry language so you can speak in their own words and terms
Once you know these things you will have discovered the first great secret to doubling your industrial sales income for the year. But you must take that information and do something with it. You must use this invaluable intel to build the perfect solution to their problems.
This doesn’t mean that you need to physically build new gizmos and gadgets. What it means is that you need to learn how your company’s products and services solve the problems of your prospects and help them reach their number one goal better than the competition.
The industry’s top program that will guide you through this process is ISU’s industrial sales engineer training.
Craft a Winning Sales Presentation and Pitch
With this new-found knowledge, you will be empowered to craft a winning sales presentation and pitch that stands head and shoulders above other sales professionals.
You see, people don’t buy products and services. Instead, they buy solutions to their problems. There’s a conversation going on in their mind each and every day that would sound like a broken record. If you’re too young to know what a broken record sounds like, or looks like, check it out on YouTube.
Learn more about ISU’s industrial sales training
The insightful industrial salesperson will come along, speak in terms of their goals, the problems they face, and then, once the audience is locked in and engaged, they will finally reveal the solution that ‘ends world hunger’ – so to speak – for your prospect.
Most salespeople want to wade right into talking features and pricing. Savvy sales professionals, on the other hand, connect deeply with the groanings and simmering pain your target audience is experiencing. When you speak to these first, you lock them in. Then, you can sell virtually anything to them if you do it well enough.
ISU’s sales engineer training includes a detailed module on building a winning presentation and making the perfect pitch.
Sales Pipeline Makeover
With greater insight into your ideal prospects and a better sales presentation and pitch than your competition, you are now equipped with the messaging that you can use to attract more targeted leads and close more sales. All that’s left for you to do to DOUBLE your sales and income is to fill your pipeline.
You will need to start at the very top of your sales pipeline and consider all your lead sources. You need to think about where your target audience is hanging out, in mass, so you have endless wells of leads and prospects to mine.
For instance, this is where LinkedIn is going to come in handy. Trade shows and local events may deliver some traction, but here me out. You can target endless numbers of your ideal target audience daily from the convenience of your smartphone on LinkedIn. There are several strategies that you can use with LI to reach out to people, make connections, generate leads, and get appointments set up.
This is a key strategy that is separating the top tier from the average sales professionals out there. When you’re building your sales pipeline, you also need to consider how you will collect leads, manage prospects, track their activities, interest, and keep yourself at the top of their minds.
This is where a good CRM comes into play. This is a topic covered in ISU’s sales engineer training.
The next thing that top industrial sales professionals do that the rest don’t is follow up, follow up, and follow up some more. If you’re in the industrial sales space, selling b2b, you know, the buying cycle can be long. Businesses can wait a year or longer before they decide to make a move in your direction.
Those who give up after 3 follow ups…rest their souls…are forgotten. When their prospects are ready to find a new vendor, they’re going to go with the company that’s been in their ear for the longest amount of time.
We go deep into the strategies, tools, and techniques that you need to install to double your income in 6 months or less in ISU’s industrial sales engineer training. You will learn everything you need to know to build an air-tight sales pipeline, how to fill that pipeline, and how to multiply your income and reach your goals in this sales engineer training.
Ready to take your Industrial Selling Career to the Top? Enroll into ISU’s Sales Engineer Training Program!