How Technical Sales People Can Deliver the Perfect PITCH [A Step-by-Step GUIDE]

In the realm of technical sales, the art of pitching is a critical skill that can significantly impact the success of technical sales people.

In this article, we will delve into the tactics that can enhance the work of moving potential clients through the sales process and increasing close rates. Whether we’re looking at a seasoned professional or a person just starting their career, learning how to pitch products and services is essential for technical sales people.

Watch Kyle Milan’s video on the same topic here

Purpose of the Pitch for Technical Sales People

Defining Goals for Technical Sales People

At the core of every pitch is the ultimate goal of closing the deal. However, it’s crucial to recognize that each stage of the technical products selling process has its purpose. For technical sales people, especially, where complexity often requires multiple interactions, understanding the immediate goal of a specific pitch is key.

Aligning with Pipeline Stages of Technical Services

The process of technical product sales is like a journey, with various stages leading to the ultimate destination – a closed deal. If, for instance, the next step in your pipeline is a discovery call or a demo, technical sales people should tailor the pitch to seamlessly guide the potential client towards that particular stage. Avoid the common mistake of pushing for a close prematurely; instead, focus on advancing them to the next logical step

Crafting an Effective Presentation for Technical Products

Evaluating the Presentation Material

Whether presenting in person or via video, the material technical sales people use plays a vital role in closing deals. Brochures, pitch decks, and websites can be powerful tools, but their effectiveness depends on how well they complement the pitch. Technical sales people should avoid overwhelming a given audience with extensive materials. Keeping the pitch concise, relevant, and centered around the end goal of progressing to the next stage is the goal.

Streamlining the Presentation Material

Lengthy pitch decks filled with information can be counterproductive. If a sales person finds themselves drowning their audience in a sea of slides, they should consider trimming down the content. Technical sales people should try to always be aware of how engaged their audience is. If there are constraints by corporate-approved materials, technical sales people should find ways to emphasize the key points without overwhelming potential clients.

Maintaining Audience Engagement

Regardless of the medium – be it in person, on video, or over the phone – keeping the audience engaged is paramount for technical sales people. Avoid the “show up and throw up” method, where the audience is inundated with information. Instead, technical sales people should control the narrative, ensuring that attention remains on them. If using slides, make sure they enhance the message rather than acting as a distraction.

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The Art of Fact-Finding

Shifting from Selling to Solution Delivery

Technical sales people must understand that they’re not just selling technical products; they’re delivering solutions. The shift from a product-centric approach to a solution-focused mindset is crucial. To achieve this, embrace a fact-finding process where strategic questions are asked to uncover the client’s needs, issues, and preferences.

Balancing the Conversation

For technical sales people, the key to effective fact-finding is striking a balance in the conversation. Aim for the client to talk more than you do – ideally, a 50-50 split. Skillful questioning allows technical sales people to understand their prospect’s situation better. However, remember that listening attentively is equally important. Don’t rush to respond, but rather let the client express themselves fully.

Customizing Solutions through Fact Finding

Savvy technical sales people know that clients appreciate tailored solutions to their specific problems. By delving into fact finding, critical information is gathered while also demonstrating the commitment to understanding their unique challenges. This personalized approach builds trust, a fundamental element in closing deals successfully for technical sales people.

Methods of Pitching Across Different Mediums

Adapting Your Pitch to Various Platforms

Technical sales people should keep the core elements of the pitch consistent, whether pitching over the phone, in person, or through video. While the tools available might differ, the objective remains the same for technical sales people.

That objective is advancing the potential client to the next stage. Knowing the unique capabilities of each medium and using them to move prospects to the closing table is the goal at this stage for technical sales people.

Leveraging Tools for In-Person and Video Pitches

In-person and video pitches provide opportunities to visually engage the audience. Utilize tools like brochures, pitch decks, and websites strategically. However, technical sales people should be mindful not to overpower the pitch with extensive materials. The focus should always be on maintaining a connection and guiding the client seamlessly through the sales process.

Phone Pitches: A Gateway to Further Interaction

When pitching technical products over the phone, the primary goal of technical sales people may be to transition to in-person or video interactions. While visual aids are of no use here, the pitch structure should remain consistent. The phone is a gateway to more interactive sessions, such as demos or discovery calls, where deeper interactions can happen.

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Strategizing for Next Steps

Always Thinking Ahead

Closing a deal is not just about the present pitch for technical sales people; it’s about setting the stage for what comes next. Before concluding any interaction, technical sales people must ensure the next steps are clear. Whether it’s sending a proposal, initiating a demo, or gathering additional information, anticipate and articulate the subsequent stages in the sales process.

Seamless Transitioning Between Pipeline Stages

Technical sales people should avoid leaving potential gaps between stages in the pipeline. A smooth transition from one stage to the next requires forethought. Technical sales people must give consideration to the information needed for the upcoming stages. Relevant questions must be integrated into the next discussion. This approach ensures a continuous and logical progression towards a closed deal.


In the dynamic world of technical sales, mastering the art of pitching is a continuous journey of technical sales people. By understanding the purpose of the pitch, crafting effective presentations, skillfully engaging in fact-finding, adapting to various pitching mediums, and always thinking ahead to the next steps, technical sales people will be positioned for success.

Technical sales people who embrace these strategies not only increase their close rates but also build lasting relationships with clients based on trust and understanding.

If you are a technical sales professional getting ready to pitch your technical products or services, remember this: it’s not just about the sale, it’s about guiding your clients through a journey that culminates in a mutually beneficial partnership.

Ready to take your Industrial Sales Career to the Top? Enroll into Industrial Sales University!